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We Like Firm GLUTES (And we Cannot Lie)!!

Besides making you feel like a bad bit**, there are a lot of reasons that you might want to work on growing and toning your glutes including improving strength, stability, and aesthetic.

If you want to lift and firm your bum, but don't want the extra cost + trip to the gym, try these SUPER simple body-weight movements that you can do in your own home to help you get the booty of your dreams!

Glute Bridges

Lie on your back, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips until your body forms a straight line, making sure to keep your heels in line with your knees! Be sure to keep your core engaged for maximum benefits!

*To turn up the burn, try one-legged OR with a resistance band around your knees!*

Donkey Kicks

Starting on hands and knees, lift one foot at a time up towards the ceiling, keeping your knee bent and being sure to engage from the glute and keep your movement controlled! (Repeat with other leg)

Fire Hydrant

Starting on hands and knees, lift one leg sideways, only going as high as you can without shifting your midsection!

*Turn up the burn by adding a resistance band around your knees!*

Bulgarian Split Squats

Standing with your back to your chair or couch (or whatever you have available), lift one leg up behind you, resting your foot on the chair. With the majority of your weight on your front foot, slowly lower yourself down until your front knee is perpendicular, and then push back up on your front foot to get back up, ensuring that you stay controlled throughout! Repeat with other leg! *Turn up the burn by holding dumbbells straight-armed down to your side throughout reps!*

Curtsy Lunges

Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Step with one leg back and to the side, crossing behind your other leg. Lower until your front knee is about 90 degrees and push through your front foot to push back up! Repeat with other leg!

*Turn up the burn by holding dumbbells straight-armed down to your side throughout the reps!*

Don't forget that we all start somewhere, and if you're new to any of these exercises, start with body weight and feel free to add dumbbells and resistance bands to crank up the intensity as your glutes start to grow stronger!! Remember, consistency is KEY and if it's not burning, it's not working!!

With Love and a Little Kick in the Ass,



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